School Cash On-line

Bayview Hill E.S. is accepting online payments through School Cash ONLINE!

School Cash Online provides the following benefits:
•  A convenient fee payment option that saves time
•  Reduces paper
•  No more need to send cash or cheques to school 
•  A quick way to register. It takes less than 5 minutes to register.

Parents that opt to participate will receive notification via email of student fees owed (both required and optional), and can make secure online payments by credit card or Interac and receive a receipt.

Please ask your child for the green form that went home at the beginning December for information about signing up.

Bayview Hill Elementary School Student Council Toy Drive

The Bayview Hill Elementary School Student Council is proud to be sponsoring a Toy Drive during this holiday season.

Parents are encouraged to donate a new unwrapped toy or gift card that would be appropriate for a child the same age as their child. For example, if your child is in grade 8, donate something a grade 8 would like to receive if they were in JK donate something a JK would like to receive.

The Toy Drive will begin November 30th and will end December 11th.

Each homeroom class will have a “Toy Box” to collect the donations.

On Behalf of the BHES Student Council, we would like to thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

Individual Education Plans

If your child has an individual education plan (IEP), you will receive an updated copy during the next reporting cycle in January. If you recently had an individual placement and review committee meeting, your child’s IEP will be provided to you prior to January. Please contact your child’s special education resource teacher (SERT) if you have any questions.

Kindergarten Progress

Your child’s teacher will initiate a meeting with you if there are concerns regarding progress. As always, if you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher directly. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

These meetings will be initiated by your child’s teacher where there are concerns regarding student progress and may occur on the evening of Thursday, November 26, 2015 or during the day on Friday, November 27, 2015. Teachers remain committed to ongoing communication with parents regarding student progress. 

Elementary Progress Reports

Our teachers are currently completing the fall progress report for students in Grades 1-8. As referenced in the Director of Education’s letter on November 3, 2015, these reports will be distributed in our school on Thursday, December 10, 2015.  If your child’s teacher has concerns with your child’s progress, she/he will contact you to set up a meeting. If you have questions about your child’s progress and a meeting has not been set up, please speak with your child’s teacher. Please note that because progress is tracked differently, reports are not being completed for distribution to students in Junior or Senior Kindergarten.

French Immersion Information Sessions and Registrations

Information sessions for the French Immersion (FI) program will take place at French Immersion schools on January 14, 2016, at 7 p.m. Please visit YRDSB’s website in January 2016 ( find the FI program location for your elementary school location. FI registration will begin January 15, 2016. Parents or guardians of Senior Kindergarten students entering Grade 1 in 2016, and wishing to enroll in the FI Program, can visit or call the school office and request an Office Index Card - short version. The Office Index Card must be signed by the principal of the home school. Parents or guardians then take this form, along with one piece of identification showing their address to the designated FI program location to register between January 15 and February 12, 2016. This eliminates the need to provide duplicate enrollment information or to pre-register.

YRDSB’s FI Accommodation Plan provides long-term consistency and equity of access to all students in York Region and will enable YRDSB to continue to offer the FI program to all who wish to enroll. The FI program will be offered in Dual Track or Single Track settings, in a variety of configurations. In order to meet community needs and optimize available space in our schools, a community's Grade 1-8 FI program may be provided over more than one school during the course of a student's FI education. This will allow flexibility in addressing community needs and the opportunity to use existing space in schools. More information is available on the Board’s website: Please note: Some of the FI accommodation plans will require facility modifications or the development of new schools and will require short-term transition plans that might include overflow while we work toward the long-term vision. Overflow refers to situations in which the Board directs students to attend a school other than their community school or optional program for a specific period of time, as defined in Policy #108.

Kindergarten Registration to Commence January 15, 2016

Kindergarten registration will commence on January 15, 2016 for the 2016-17 school year. Registration forms are available on YRDSB’s website: Children who turn four or five years old during 2016, live within the school boundary and whose parents are public school tax supporters will be eligible to register for kindergarten. A kindergarten information session for parents is being planned for this spring. For more information please visit the YRDSB website or contact your local school. 

Winter School Bus Cancellation Notice

This information is being shared with you in preparation for our upcoming winter season. Please review the information below to assist you with planning for your child/children on inclement weather days.

Pedestrian Safety

We are all responsible for making sure the roadways around Bayview Hill are safe. Pedestrians, people who are walking, must make sure they are crossing at street corners and, when available, to use the crossing guards that are on duty before and after school. Motorists, people who are driving cars, must slow down in school areas.

Bus Safety

 Students riding school buses must observe the following procedures:
  • Be at the bus stop five minutes before scheduled pick up.
  • Keep well away from the road until the bus has stopped. Do not move toward the bus until it has stopped.
  • Watch for the bus driver’s signal before crossing the road. Look both ways and then cross the road.
  • Board the bus quickly using the handrail and go directly to your seat.
  • Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • Do not eat or drink on the bus as these are prohibited.
  • Keep the aisle clear of books, knapsacks, lunch bags and other items.
  • Keep windows closed unless the driver permits you to open them and never put hands, arms, head or legs out of the window.
  • Never throw anything inside the bus or out of the window.
  • Talk quietly, so as not to distract the driver.

Shouting, horseplay and fighting are strictly prohibited; students engaging in these activities will have their bus privileges suspended.

Office Index Cards

If you have not already done so, please ensure that you have updated and submitted the Office Index Card to the office as soon as possible. It is very important for us to have the most accurate and up-to-date contact information in our files.

Pizza and Sub Lunches

This is a reminder that the Pizza Program starts on Wednesday, October 14th, and the Sub Program starts on Monday, October 19th.

Terry Fox Run

Tomorrow will mark the 35th anniversary of the Terry Fox Run at BHES.
A huge thanks to the grade 7s for handing out the stickers, tattoos and placing posters up and around the school. 

Primary students will go out after morning attendance has been taken for 30 minutes (9:10 – 9:40)

Junior Students will go out after first recess for 45 minutes (11:15-12:00)

Intermediate Students will go out for 60 minutes after lunch attendance has been taken (1:55 – 2:55)

Emailing Important Information

This is a reminder to families to make sure the school has an up-to-date and active email address so that we can share important information electronically. For example, later today we will be sending out a letter from the Director regarding class re-organization for September 28, 2015.

Mark Summary

If you have not done so already, please take the time to pick up the June 2015 Mark Summary for your children from the front office.

Picture Day

This is a reminder that Thursday, October 1st is Picture Day for BHES.

Welcome Back!

On behalf to the Staff at Bayview Hill Elementary School, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our students and their families. Today is the third day of school and as I walk around the school I can already see learning taking place.

By way of introduction, I am Mike Carlin, and I am the proud new Principal of BHES. For those of you who have not met me yet, please do not hesitate introduce yourself.

As you can tell, I intend to maintain the School Blog as one of the ways that we will communicate with the community. I have also created a school Twitter Account that will be used from time to time: follow us on Twitter @BayviewHillES. The school also uses e-mail to send out important information, so please ensure the school has an up-to date email address. You will know if we have an active email if you received an email today regarding the new Health and Physical Education curriculum. If you did not receive the email then please send an email with your child's first and last name and their homeroom teacher's name to the school at Please be patient as we process this information, and be sure to check you "Junk Mail" as occasionally the school emails end up there!
Mike Carlin
Bayview Hill Elementary School


Today, Megan carried the Pan Am Torch in Richmond Hill, selected to represent all youth in Richmond Hill. We are proud of you Megan.

School Refresh

Bayview Hill E.S. is looking refreshed!  Our second floor hallways and our stairwells have all been painted.  This week, our gymnasium is being painted... but we are retaining the large painting of the Bayview Bengal on the wall.

End of Year Reflection

Dear families of BHES:

A reminder that Thursday June 25 is the last full day for students and June 26 is a Professional Activity Day for staff.  The first day of school for the new school year is Tuesday September 8. 

It has been such a pleasure, getting to know so many of you over the past 6 years and participating in your child’s journey of learning at Bayview Hill.  Bayview Hill is a special place to be.  Character is so important, and your children are etched in my memory as a group of respectful, polite and thoughtful people. I am looking forward to my move to Silver Stream PS but I will miss the Bayview Hill Community.   Parents are our partners in education.  Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to teach your children and work with you in guiding and supporting their choices, attitudes and behaviours.  Your children are respectful and kind, and motivated to succeed because of you.  They learn what they live.

Please take some time with your child to reflect on and celebrate their successes.  Also take time to talk about what needs to continue to be improved.  Identify the learning skills that will support your child’s improvement and what strategies can be put in place to foster growth.  Each year as your child matures, think about what kind of responsibilities he/she could have at home.  Being responsible for a task nurtures confidence.  The summer is a optimal time to teach safety on the streets; please encourage your children to spend time outside everyday and learn how to navigate their neighbourhood.  For our grade 7 & 8s, learning to find their way using public transit is a helpful skill or consider helping our grade 5 and up students find the easiest and quickest active route to school by walking or riding their bike with a friend. 

Please welcome Mr. Mike Carlin who will be leading BHES as Principal.  And to Ms. Jennifer Branch, continuing here as Vice Principal, thank you for all your time, excellent work and dedication to the school. 

At this time, we also need to say goodbye to some members of our staff and thank them for their commitment to teaching at Bayview Hill:

Ms. Nadia Rajakariar (Long Term Occasional teacher) – Gr 5
Ms. Naseem Khorakchi (LTO) – Gr 4
Ms. Anna Roch – has accepted a teaching position in Stouffville  
Ms. Christina Perri (LTO) - Kindergarten
Ms. Stephanie Coleman (LTO) - Kindergarten
Ms. Elli Weisdorf – has accepted a regional position in Math
Ms. Jennifer Ong (LTO) – Gr 6
Ms. Jolie Jagielnik (LTO)- Community Class
Ms. Julie Naftolin (EA) – Community Class
Mr. Mathew Qaqish  (EA) Community Class
Ms. Robin Rain (EA) Community Class

Please welcome back…
Ms. Priya Harricharan
Ms. Lora Jeffery
Ms. Diane Voinou
Ms. Dina Jiryes
Ms. Zeenat Aumeer (EA)
Ms. Maddalena Lucchetta (EA)

… and please welcome a new staff member:
Ms. Andrea Mancini

On behalf of the staff, we wish all of you a fun filled, safe summer with memories that will last a lifetime. 

May our paths cross again,

Grade 6s Build Leadership Skills

This week, our grade 6 classes attended Camp Robinhood and  engaged in several different team building activities led by the Robinhood staff. Some were in larger groups and some were in our smaller groups. These activities included:
High ropes, Rock Climbing, Human Foose Ball, Whale Watch (balancing a plank), Chocolate River (game involving strategies to problem solve how to have a a group cross a pretend river), Archery, Spirit Rally (involving music trivia race, partner team building and spirit contest based on group cheers and team names).


The milk program will be cancelled in September 2015 as we do not have a volunteer to organize and manage the program.  If this is something you would consider doing, please contact Jen Branch, Vice Principal at school.


Just a reminder that PIZZA and SUB LUNCHES are finished for the year!  All students need to bring a lunch to school.  Thank you.

Jr. Math Contest Results

Congratulations to our Junior students!  The results from the Jr. Math Contests (Byron-Germain for  grade 4, Fibonacci for grade 5, and Pythagoras  for grade 6) are in.

Grade 4:  Out of 10,241 students across Canada, we had 5 students score within the top 5 possible scores which means they're published on the contest Honour Roll online.  Our school placed 31st out of 457 schools across Canada who participated in this contest.

Grade 5:  Out of 14,392 students across Canada, we had 3 students score within the top 6 possible scores which means they're on the Honour Roll.  Our school placed 18th out of 708 schools across Canada in this contest.

Grade 6:  Out of 19,928 students across Canada, we had 3 students on the Honour Roll (top 9 scores).  Our school placed 70th out of 979 schools across Canada in this contest.

Individual students will be announced and celebrated at an upcoming Character Assembly.  

BHES Library Books

Dear families,
All library books borrowed from our BHES library need to be returned by Monday June 15.  IF your child has books, their child's teacher will receive a notice and pass the information on to you.  Please check your homes for any books that need to be returned.  We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our library collection in tact and ready for next year.

Thank you.

Richmond Hill Library Summer Programs

Lunch Programs ending soon...

Just a reminder that the last day for:

PIZZA Lunch is Wednesday June 10
SUB LUNCH is Thursday June 11
MILK is Friday June 12 

As of Monday June 15, ALL lunch programs will be finished except for the Lunch lady.

A BIG thank you to our parent volunteers for all of your time in organizing our Pizza and milk programs.  We have appreciated your dedication  and commitment each week to these programs.  

Living Healthy Learning Well

Greetings from Trustee Carol Chan

As the 2014-15 school year winds down, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize our parents and guardians for their ongoing support of our students throughout the year. We know that parents are our most important partners when it comes to educating your children.  Good schools become better schools when they are connected with parents and families.

During the year, I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy some of the many student performances, sporting events and cultural celebrations that take place in schools across our region. These events would not take place without the support of our school staff. I would like to thank the staff for their work to support student achievement and well-being.

Summer is a great time to relax and pursue hobbies or activities that complement the learning that took place over the school year. Whether you visit a museum, enjoy nature or just catch up on some summer reading, I wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable summer.

Trustee, Carol Chan

BHES School Council Carnival/BBQ

eBook Resource for Families

Dear Families,

Epic!  is an eBook subscription service that offers thousands of titles from well known publishers.  Students and their families can create accounts for a $5.00 monthly fee.  It is available for both Apple and Android products. You can also use it on the computer. 


Annette Livi
Teacher Resource Librarian 

Thanks to BHES Community

This year Ms. Sluser's Grade 6 class with our grade 3s planned and organized a bake sale for 4 days last week.   $5209.50 was raised! This means that Connie's chemo is now fully funded.  When the Director of the New Day Foster Home heard the total, all she could say was "WOW, WOW, WOW!" On behalf of 6C, the Grade 3s and the New Day Foster Home, thank you for all the contributions, both monetarily and with baked goods.  Connie now has a fighting chance.

BHES PanAm Torch Bearer

Congratulations to one of our BHES Grade 8 students!  Megan Kesner has been selected as a PanAm Torch Bearer in Richmond Hill (torch bearer # 77).  Megan will be carrying the torch on Wednesday, June 24th around 5:34pm starting at 160 Avenue Road, Richmond Hill (near the Richvale Community Centre) for 200 m.  It will likely be the slowest 200m that Megan will ever run!  This is such an exciting opportunity for her.  It would great if some of our BHES families could be there to cheer her on. 

This week at Bayview Hill May 19 - May 22

This is a busy week at Bayview Hill... a few reminders...

1. Scholastic Book Fair - All proceeds will support the purchase of library books for the library
The fair will be open late on Thursday evening.

2.  Bake Sale - Available to students at all recesses.  All proceeds to support chemotherapy treatment for "Connie" in the New Day Foster home in China.

3. Track and Field for all grade 4 to 6 students on Wednesday.

4. Special Needs Track and Field on Wednesday.

4. Arts Night Thursday May 21: Two shows 6:30pm (for parents of participating Gr 1-3 students) and 7:00pm (for parents of participating Gr 4 - 8 students).  Due to limited seating in our gym, please only attend one show and please arrive on time.   Arts Night includes performances from our Guitar Club, Orff Club, Choirs, Band, Dance Club and Drama/Dance Groups as well as a visual arts display of Grade 7 & 8 student work on the walls of the first floor.  This will be our first experience with both  new audio and new lighting systems (thanks to School Council fundraising!).

Thank You to all of our Volunteers!

On Wednesday after school, we recognized over 100 volunteers who support our school in a variety of capacities.  Some of our volunteers read with children, some attend field trips, some are in an advisory role on school council, some organize pizza lunch once a week, some support teachers in classrooms or assist  in the library and others maintain our milk program as well as other countless ways that haven't been mentioned.   Parent volunteers are our partners in education.  Without all of our volunteer's support, we would not be able to do what we do.  Every volunteer received a personalized card and were asked to choose a book that would be placed in our library in their honour with a name plate inserted in the book.  All in attendance enjoyed some treats while mingling with other volunteers and staff members.  

Thank you BHES families!

Today, the bag2school organization picked up all of the bags of used clothing and other items.  BHES collected 1,960 kg of items!  We received $392.00  for our donation.  Funds will be put towards our Grade 8 graduation costs.  Thank you for your support of this win-win activity.

Student Council 

Reminder: Parenting Seminar May 14

Used Clothing Drive --- Last day Friday May 8

The student council would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our bag2school clothing fundraiser. This is a reminder that Friday morning is the last opportunity to drop off the bags.   Drop off has been extended to 6 pm on Thursday evening for your convenience. 

We will gladly accept:
-used clothing
-shoes (tied together)
-stuffed toys

Thanks again for your support, 

Student Council

Author Visit

On Tuesday, May 5th, the students in Grade 5 and 6 were entertained by Robert Paul Weston, author of the Silver Birch nominated book The Creature Department.  He talked to them about his inspiration for the book, and about the special effects that brought one of his characters to life. The students asked many thoughtful questions and were engaged throughout the presentation. It was a fun and interactive experience for all.

The students at Bayview Hill have very much enjoyed participating in the Forest of Reading and we look forward to the announcement of the winners on May 15, 2015.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found bins have been emptied.  All items have been placed in the primary hallway of the school.  Students will be encouraged at school, through announcements, to check for any lost items.  Please support us at home, by reminding your children to check for items that may belong to them.  Items will be available until Thursday after school.  After this time, all items will be donated.
Thanks so much!

Student Council Used Clothing Drive

Used Clothing fundraising Drive 
Bayview Hill Student Council will be collecting used clothing, shoes (tied together), hats, scarves, purses, bags, and linens, in order to raise money for the Grade 8 Graduation. 
A blue bag along with a letter will go home with your child today.
Mon. May 4 – Wed, May 6 @ 8:30 – 9:05am or 3:30-4:00pm
Thurs. May 7 @ 8:30 – 9:05am or 3:30-6:00pm
Fri. May 8 @ 8:30 – 9:05am
Thanks for your participation,
                   BHES Student Council                                                                                    

Texting during the school day

We have many students at our school with access to their own portable devices/cell phones.  As part of our Responsible Use of Technology Policy at our school, any communications between home and school during the course of the school day needs to be done using the school phone in the office.  Students are only allowed to use their cell phones/devices when instructed to by their teachers or when given permission by their teachers/admin.  In all other circumstances, cell phones are not to be used during the instructional day.  If, as a parent/guardian, you need to contact your child, please call the school office and we will arrange to have your child contact you during a recess time.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we protect instructional time and monitor student activity and well being. 

Geometry in Grade 8

Mr. Grant's Grade 8s were given a math problem.  They had to create a container that would hold a specific volume of Goldfish crackers or popcorn using polygon shapes.  Using mathematical formulas, various shapes of containers were designed.  In addition, students had to create a marketing message to sell their product.

Living Healthy, Learning Well

Get Active Your Way, Every Day - FOR LIFE!

Research has shown that 60 minutes of physical activity every day contributes positively to maintaining and/or improving our health.  It also positively impacts our learning and work performance.

Physical activity can be built into your daily routine, for example…  
  • walk when you can (park a block away from the school and walk, use the stairs),
  •  limit screen time     
  •  get outside and play as a family
  •  choose to walk or cycle for short trips
  •  include endurance, flexibility and strength activities throughout the week
  •  join a recreational, house league or competitive team

Some of the benefits of daily physical activity include:
·         better health
·         better posture and balance
·         improve self-esteem
·         relaxation and stress reduction
·         increase in energy levels

Refer to the following Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines to ensure that all family members needs are being met and for physical activity ideas.

1.      Ages 0 - 4 years:

2.      Ages 5 - 11 years:

3.      Ages 12 - 17 years:

4.      Ages 18 - 64 years:

Congratulations to our Junior Boy's Basketball Team

Yesterday, our Junior Boy's Basketball Team won the Area Championship!  They were undefeated in all 5 of their nail-biting games!  Their skill, teamwork, and perseverance led them to win first place at the tournament.  The Bengals proudly brought home the banner that will be hung in our gym.  They will be representing BHES at the regional tournament in two weeks.  Congratulations Boys!  Thank you to our coaches Ms. N. Khorakchi and Ms. J. Sawchuk for your dedication to the team.  

The BHES MILK program needs you!

The BHES School Council runs the milk program, a nutritious lunchtime program for our students.   A parent volunteer coordinates the program and other parents volunteer to help run the program during the lunchtime at school.  We are in need of a parent volunteer who would be able to coordinate the program for the 2015/2016 school year.  If you are interested in this position and would like more information, please email the school at .  Thank you for your consideration. Unfortunately, if we do not have a coordinator for the program, it cannot run.

Earth Day is Everyday!

This Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day! The Eco team has organized an Earth Day cleanup of BHES grounds.  All grades will participate in caring for our schoolyard and beyond by taking responsibility for the litter that we and others have created.  In addition, members of our Eco team will visit classrooms, reminding all of us to shut off lights and electronics when not in use or necessary,  to bring litterless snacks/lunches in reusable containers to reduce garbage and recycling, to conserve water and respect our planet's resources. Students are encouraged to walk or ride their bikes to school on a regular basis to reduce pollution created by car exhaust and to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Our messaging everyday needs to be to take care of our Earth, it is the only one we have! 

Spirit Day Thursday April 23

BHES Band Performs for Senior's Residence

On Wednesday, Ms. Steenburgh and Ms. Leong accompanied our BHES Band members to the Oak Ridge's Senior's Home.  It was an afternoon of mutual appreciation.  After the student's repertoire was completed, the Seniors in the audience wanted "more music!".  Thank you to our teachers and students for giving back to the community.

School-wide Clean up April 22!

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22! The BHES Eco Club has organized a school-wide Earth Day cleanup of the BHES schoolyard and surrounding public space. Each grade will be responsible for picking up litter in a designated area.  In an effort to make the cleanup as eco-friendly as possible, we ask that parents send in reusable gloves for your child to use for the cleanup.  These can be fabric gardening or work gloves, or even stretchy mittens or an old pair of winter mitts/gloves.  Please note that students will only be picking up dry pieces of garbage so the gloves that you send in can be brought home again and reused. Students will also be informed about things that they should not pick up. The cleanup will take place throughout the day on April 22, with a rain date scheduled for April 23.  Thank you for your cooperation!  - The Eco Club

Living Healthy, Learning Well and BIKING

Vaisakhi Greetings

On behalf of the BHES staff, we would like to wish all of our families who celebrate Vaisakhi, a very happy celebration.

Used Clothing Drive Coming your way!

Heads up!!!!
Used Clothing Drive
Coming Soon to B.H.E.S.
Are you thinking of spring cleaning?
Please don’t dispose of those gently used items just yet.  Bayview Hill Student Council will be collecting used clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, purses, bags, and linens and more, in order to raise money for the Grade 8 Graduation.  More information will be sent home shortly.
Please put items aside that you wish to donate, as we will be asking for them very soon.
Thanks for your participation,

BHES Student Council l                                                                                    

Happy Easter! (Eastern)

On behalf of the BHES staff, we would like to wish all of our families who celebrate Easter (Eastern),  a very happy celebration.

Living Healthy, Learning Well

This entry of BHES’s “Living Healthy, Learning Well” feature focuses on fruit juice (adapted from resources from York Region Health Services Department).
Juice tends to be the drink many families pack into their child’s/children’s lunch bags; however, there are things we need to know when selecting juice for a beverage.  The nutritional labels on the juice boxes are very important sources of information.
Products labeled fruit juice are made from real juice.  For example, if a label says “apple juice”, it is made from the juice obtained from apples.  Real fruit juice has over 20 vitamins and minerals.  A half of a cup (125 mL) of juice is equal to one serving from the fruits and vegetables food group in “Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.” 
With respect to labels, parents/guardians should not be fooled by labels that include “Contains real fruit juice.”  An example of an ingredient list for real fruit juice is:
Ingredients: water, concentrated orange juice

An example of an ingredient list for a fruit drink (drink, beverage, punch, cocktail, -ade) is as follows:
Ingredients: water, sugar and/or glucose-fructose, citric acid, natural and artificial flavour, citric acid, sodium benzoate, colour

Juice blends are sometimes made with only real juices and sometimes not.  Check the ingredient list to make sure that the blend is made up of only juices.
Look at the label for any of these words to make sure you are buying juice:
·         100% juice
·         100% fruit juice
·         100% pure juice
·         100% juice from concentrate
·         (specific name of fruit – e.g., orange) juice
The following guideline indicates how much juice is recommended for consumption each day:
Less than 6 months
Not Recommended
6 months to 1 year
½ cup
1 to 6 years
¾ cup
7 to 18 years
1 ½ cups

Too much juice may cause tooth decay, weight problems, diarrhea or an upset stomach.  

Healthy School Bingo

As of Tuesday April 7, 2015 we will be beginning our new "Healthy School Bingo!" Each homeroom classroom, has a Healthy School Bingo card .  

Everyday after recess or before lunch a new healthy food, action or choice will be called for the class to check on the bingo card.  The catch is, the bingo card can only be marked if someone in the class has either had that healthy food for snack, or did the action within the past 24hours.  Water is FREE as everyone should be drinking lots of water.

For example...
If strawberries gets called, you can only mark that part of the card if someone had it for snack on that day.

If Yoga gets called, you can only mark that part of the card if the teacher did it with the class that day or a students participated in a class or team the night before.
The first classroom the get a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line will win our Healthy School Bingo trophy, which is kept  until the next winner.

This is an initiative of our Healthy School Team to  encourage a healthy lifestyle through healthy snack choices and daily physical activity. 

ECO school Reminder

Please use reusable containers for snacks and lunches at school. 


On behalf of the Bayview Hill ES staff, to our families  who celebrate Easter (Western) and Pesach, we would like to wish you and your families a very happy celebration.  And to all, please enjoy the long weekend. We will see our students on Tuesday. 

Richmond Hill Spring Lunchtime and afterschool activities at BHES

In keeping with our Health School's initiatives,  a flyer went home today with students in grades 1 through 6 informing parents about the Spring programs available at BHES through Richmond Hill Community Services.   They are offering: 
Taekwon-Do for Grades 1-6  Thursdays at lunchtime 
Basketball for Grades 1-3 Fridays at lunchtime AND Tuesdays afterschool
Badminton for Grades 4-6 on Tuesdays at lunchtime

ALL REGISTRATIONS are done through Richmond Hill's Community Services Dept. 
Extra copies are available in our office 

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wildlife Fund. The event is held worldwide annually encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday in March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. The goal is to get as many individuals and businesses as possible to turn off their lights for one hour to raise awareness about climate change and demonstrate that people are ready to take personal action. 

 At Bayview Hill ES, our "Earth Hour" is from 2pm to 3pm today.  All essential lights will be turned off as well as unused monitors and computers.  

On Saturday March 28 from 8:30 to 9:30pm, take this opportunity to spend time with family and friends celebrating Earth Hour. Find creative ways to spend an hour in the dark. For more information and ideas visit wwf Canada.  Let's all take action to bring awareness to conserving energy.