Clubs and Teams at BHES

This Fall has been a busy time for our staff and students here at BHES. Already this year a number of clubs and teams have started.

They include:

Boys’ and Girls’ Intermediate Volleyball Teams
CIA (Children in Action) – an intermediate social action club dedicated to helping others
Go Girls – For girls in grades 6 to 8 to learn about healthy living and building self-esteem
Hip Hop Dance Club (grades 4 to 6)
Junior Choir (grades 4-6)
Sign Language Club (grades 4 to 8)
Student Council (grades 7 and 8)

Thanks to our teachers for their dedication to making BHES extra-curricular activities an exciting part of our time here each day. This list is always changing and growing, so encourage your children to keep their ears open for the announcements for information about more clubs and teams as the year goes on.

Spirit Day - Friday October 14

Tomorrow will be a Blue Jays Spirit Day. Please dress in blue and show your support of our Toronto Blue Jays

Mathletics 2016

Parents who are interested in having their child/children participate in this event are encouraged to follow the information and registration details provided below. This is an individual event. Parents provide supervision for their child.

Community Ambassador

The YRDSB is partnering again this year, with Family Service Association of York Region to provide Community Ambassador Training for parents in our Richmond Hill schools. We successfully piloted this project in Richmond Hill 2 years ago and have since taken it to Markham and Vaughan. The Regional Municipality of York has seen the benefits of supporting parents to take a more active role in both their schools and communities and have decided to provide funding for this initiative. We will be running the program out of CEC Central for 8 Fridays beginning on November 4th and running until the end of January. If you are interested in this opportunity, please read the information flyer below and contact Leena directly.

International Baccalaureate Program Information Evening

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is student-centred with a focus on developing intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills for students who live, learn and work in a rapidly changing world. The program emphasizes critical, compassionate thinking, community involvement and intercultural understanding. It is founded on international standards and assessment. Students who complete the program earn both an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and an IB Diploma.
We are pleased to announce the expansion of York Region District School Board’s IB Program offerings. In addition to Bayview Secondary School’s IB Program, YRDSB has four candidate school sites for the Diploma Program:
  • Alexander Mackenzie High School
  • Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School
  • Maple High School
  • Milliken Mills High School

Current Grade 8 and Grade 9 students and families interested in YRDSB’s IB Program are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the program and application process. No registration is needed.

IB Information Evening – Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Location: Le Parc 
8432 Leslie Street, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7M6
Hall: to be announced
Times: Families living EAST of Yonge St. 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Students eligible for Grade 9 and Grade 10 in September 2017 may apply.

Assessment Dates – Saturday, November 19 or Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Admission to the York Region District School Board IB programs includes an assessment. At the time of application, students will select to write in either the a.m. or p.m. on Saturday, November 19 or in the evening on Tuesday, November 22.

There is a $35 fee to apply to this program.

For additional information, please visit

Bayview Hill ES 2015-2016 EQAO Results

Percentage of Grade 3 students at or above the Provincial Standard
Percentage of Grade 6 students at or above the Provincial Standard
School: 86
School: 82

Board: 79
Board: 87

Province: 72
Province: 81
School: 93
School: 86

Board: 83
Board: 88

Province: 74
Province: 80
School: 88

Board: 76
Board: 65

Province: 63
Province: 50

We are extremely pleased with our overall 2015-2016 EQAO results as they are an indication of the commitment and dedication to learning that students, parents and teachers have put forth. As the above chart shows, we are above the Board and Province in Primary Reading, Writing, Math and Junior Math. We are above the Province and below the Board in Junior Reading and Writing. We look forward to contextualizing these results and integrating them into the development of our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA). Mathematics is currently a focus area for the Province, YRDSB, and therefore our school.