Week 24 - Feb 12 to 16

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

The Week in Review…

Each year we run our School Lunches Fundraising Program (i.e., Pizza, Milk, Swiss Chalet and Lunch Lady).  The chart below outlines our fundraising plan for the 2017-2018 school year. The funds that are raised this year need to be spent this year.
School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement

School Fundraising Plan Items

Teaching & Learning
Math – Parent Night Supports
·         Math Presentation for Community

Modern Learning – Learning Commons (K to 8)
·         Forest of Reading
·         PebbleGo

Mental Health & Well-Being
·         Self-Regulation Bins (K to 8)
·         Resiliency Presentations for Kids and Parents
·         EQAO Snacks

Teaching & Learning Subtotal



$30 650


Hardware – Cost-sharing (K to 8)
·         Refresh Older Tech

Technology Subtotal


$18 250
Equity &
“Angel” Fund – Funds to support children who could not otherwise take part in school events/trips (K-8)
Angel Fund Subtotal


DPA Materials for each class (K to 8)

Basketball Nets/Posts in yard

Graduation – Awards, trophies, medallions, plaques, event support (Grade 8)
Council-Sponsored Evenings:
Movie Night (license & food) (K to 8)
Diversity Night (K to 8)
Basketball/Skate Night
Dance-a-thon (K to 8)
Carnival (K to 8)
Lice Crew (K to 8)

Engagement Subtotal




$24 850

$76 750.00

Chinese New Year
Friday, February 16th marks the celebration of the Lunar New Year which is also referred to as Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Dog. Many students were away as they celebrated with their families, however, many students were also in attendance at school with several wearing festive clothing.

Cardboard Boat Challenge/Robotics

BHES participated in two separate skills challenge events in the last couple of weeks. The Cardboard Boat event saw students designing, creating and racing a cardboard boat in a 25m swimming pool while a separate BHES video team captured the process and created a video. The Robotics event used our Lego EV-3 units (purchased by School Council) to complete challenges against other teams.

The Week Ahead…

Monday, February 19th
Family Day – Holiday
First Day of Lent (Christianity)
Tuesday, February 20th
3:45-5:00 – Intermediate Boy’s Mini Basketball tournament at BHES
Wednesday, February 21st
9:00-3:30 – Intermediate Winter Electives
9:00-3:00 – Junior Winter Electives for Grades 5 and 6
Thursday, February 22nd
9:00-3:15 – Grade 4s to Medieval Times
Friday, February 23rd
9:00-12:50 – SK Vision Screening

On-going Events…

Intermediate Boys and Girls Basketball
BHES Talent Show
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club
Science Fair
Forest of Reading