Week 33 - April 16 to 20

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

Talent Show Performers
On behalf of all the parents, students and teachers who were entertained by your unbelievable talent, we would like to extend a huge Bengal congratulation! Your hard work and dedication paid off! As always, I would like to thank our dedicated staff who volunteered their time to make bring the talent show to the stage.

Junior Girls’ Basketball
Our Junior Girls’ Basketball team represented Bayview Hill at the area tournament this week. The girls played well and developed their basketball skills. Congratulations to the girls, and a big thank you to Ms. Sawchuk and Ms. David for volunteering their time to coach. Go Bengals!

Children in Action – Walk for Water
Every day women and children must walk hours to collect clean water, often from unsafe sources. This affects their health, livelihood and education. We’re the generation that’s out to change this. Because when communities have access to clean water, girls can attend school, parents can run sustainable farms and families can break the cycle of poverty. We are helping to raise money to provide clean water in communities that need it.

Did you know... $25 gives one person water for life?

On Friday, April 27th students will be walking in support of this cause. Classes are competing to raise the most money and to earn a pizza party for their class. 

Donations: Cash donations can be sent to the homeroom teacher, if you wish to donate online and receive a tax receipt check out our donation website (visit - https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/we-walk-for-water-bayview-hill-es) Please note, if you donate online make sure to write in the Comment section whose class the money is going to or print off a copy of the donation email with your student so we are able to keep track easier for the competition!

YRDSB Town Hall Meetings
We want to hear from YOU!
What matters most when it comes to your children?

Join us at a town hall meeting to share your thoughts about education. Your input will help inform our plans for improving student achievement and well-being.
Trustees are revising the strategic plan that sets the direction and priorities for the Board. Family and community input is an important part of this process.
Trustees invite you to attend one of the following town hall meetings that are taking place across the region. A light meal will be served. Child care is available. Please register at www.yrdsb.ca/myp

The next available sessions are:

Sir William Mulock Secondary School
700 Columbus Way, Newmarket
Sunday, April 22, 2018
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Maple High School
50 Springside Rd., Maple
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Bayview Secondary School
10077 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill
Saturday, April 28, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Asian Heritage Month Celebration

Borrow eBooks, audiobooks and streaming video from our school collection. Read them anytime, anywhere on your phone, tablet or computer. visit http://yrdsb.lib.overdrive.com
If you are new to ovverdrive, use the following steps to borrow digital books:
1. Go to http://yrdsb.lib.overdrive.com
2. Sign in with your student ID or school login
3. Borrow a book
4. Go to you checkouts page (under your account). From there click the 'Read' or 'Listen' button to open the book in your browser.

Note: Borrowed titles will automatically return at the end of the lending period. You can also return titles to free up space in your account.

Visit help.overdrive.com to learn more about getting started and for help troubleshooting.

Monday, April 23rd
Grade 3 – Dairy Farmers presentation
Tuesday, April 24th
Wear Blue for Autism
Grade 3 – Willowgrove Farm visit
Wednesday, April 25th
9:00 a.m. – We Assembly: Walk for Water Grade 3-6
Thursday, April 26th
3:45 – 7:00 p.m.: Badminton Tournament
Friday, April 27th
Walk for Water Event
Saturday, April 28th
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Town Hall Meeting at Bayview Secondary School.
Sunday, April 29th
Asian Heritage Month Celebration

On-going Events…
Grade 6-8 Boys’ and Girls’ Badminton
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club
Forest of Reading