Week 38 - May 22 to 25

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

BHES PRIDE Day on June 11

At Bayview Hill Elementary School, we are committed to fostering a sense of belonging for all students, parents and staff, and work hard to build a learning community that is respectful, supportive and welcoming to all. June is Pride month, and while Pride events are focused on celebrating the LGBTQ community, it is also a celebration of diversity, equity and inclusivity.

On June 11th we will celebrate Pride as a school community in the following ways: 
·         The Grade 7/8 students will have a panel discussion hosted by speakers from Youth Speak
·         The Pride flag will be on display in the front hall
·         Students and staff will be encouraged to wear a shirt that is one or the colours of the rainbow

Bike to School Week

Did you know...
·         Increased physical activity on your way to school has found to increase alertness and attention during the school day.
·         Biking to school is good for student mental health, reducing stress, depression, and anxiety, and increasing happiness and positive emotions.
·         Air pollution that is caused by motorized vehicles hurts children’s heart and lungs.

From Monday, May 28th to Friday, June 1st BHES will be participating in Bike to School Week. Students who bike to school will be entered to win daily bike-related prizes!

Junior Track and Field
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, our Junior students competed in our school’s annual Track and Field meet. The competition was intense, and all athletes work hard for the chance to represent BHES at the upcoming Area Track and Field Meet. A big thank you to all the teachers who volunteered their time to organize all the events, and tabulate the results. Also, thank you to the teachers who supervised both the students and an event over the two days of the meet. Go Bengal!

BHES Carnival

Monday, May 28th
Grade 8 trip to Quebec City – Departs at 7:30 a.m.
Bike to School Week
Ascension of Baha’u’llah (Baha’i Faith)
Tuesday, May 29th
Bike to School Week
Grade 8 trip to Quebec City
Earth Rangers Presentation
Wednesday, May 30th
Bike to School Week
Grade 8 trip to Quebec City
Thursday, May 31st
Bike to School Week
Grade 8 trip to Quebec City – Returns around 7:00 p.m
Friday, June 1st

On-going Events…

Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field Club
Student Council

Week 37 - May 14 to 18

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

Students of Differing Abilities (S.O.D.A.) Track and Field Meet
On Wednesday May 16th, several BHES students attended the S.O.D.A Track and Field Meet. All participants had a great day with many athletes walking away with several ribbons. We would like to thank our staff and parent volunteers for ensuring the day went smoothly. Go Bengals!

The Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division and Junior Division tests the reading, writing and math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3 and 6. Students write this test during a two-week testing window in May/June each year. Our grade 3's will be writing next week and our grade 6's will write the following week. Our students and teachers have been working hard to prepare for this assessment. We wish them all the best. Go Bengals!

The end of the school year is approaching, which means Yearbooks are now on sale. To order a yearbook, go to YBPay.lifetouch.com using Yearbook ID Code: 12398318. A yearbook starts at $25. Order deadline is June 22, 2018.

This week, on Tuesday, May 15th teachers began a new attendance process. The new web based platform is called Edsby. At the moment, only our teaching staff will be using Edsby, but in September, we will be rolling out a version that will allow parents to report absences electronically. Information will be sent home before the end of the school year explaining how to set up and Edsby account. In the meantime, please remember to write notes or call the school to report all absences as you normally would.

Sunday, May 20th
Shavuot (Judaism)
Pentecost (Christianity – Western)
Monday, May 21st
Victoria Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 22nd
Day 1
Junior Track and Field
Declaration of the Bab (Baha’i Faith)
Wednesday, May 23rd
Day 2
Junior Track and Field (Rain date)
Thursday, May 24th
Day 3
Camp Muskoka information Night for grade 6 Families (trip is in October of Grade 7 year)
Friday, May 25th
Day 4

On-going Events…

Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field Club
Student Council

Week 36 - May 7 to 11

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets Tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Learning Commons.
All parents are welcome to attend.

Asian & South Asian Heritage Month
May is Asian and South Asian Heritage Month. The YRDSB is calling upon staff, students and the community to join Ontarians and Canadians to celebrate the rich and spirited heritage of people of Asian and South Asian background and their contributions to Canada and the world.

Congratulations to the Badminton Team on another successful badminton tournament.  On Thursday, May 10, 2018, three of our teams competed in the Regional Badminton Tournament at Richmond Hill High School.  The level of competition was impressive and our teams met the challenge with a positive attitude, outstanding teamwork, excellent sportsmanship and fantastic game play.  Bengals, we are proud of you!!!  Thank you for a successful season!

The results are as follows:

Boys Doubles:    Daniel and Tommy - 3rd Place
Ammar and Jerry - 9th Place

Mixed Doubles: Michelle and Chance: 2nd Place

Monday, May 14th
6:30-7:30 p.m. – EcoCamp Orientation Meeting
7:00-9:00 p.m. – School Council
Tuesday, May 15th
9:00 – 3:00 – Special Need Track and Field
Wednesday, May 16th
Ramadan (Islam)
Thursday, May 17th
Team and Club Yearbook Pictures
Friday, May 18th

On-going Events…

Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field Club
Student Council

Week 35 - April 30 to May 4

Please take the time to share this information with your child/children.
It is a good way for families to connect with the school.

School Council Meets on the third Monday of each month.
All parents are welcome to attend.

Congratulations to the Badminton Team on their outstanding performance at the Area Badminton Tournament on Tuesday, May 1st.  Our students represented our school very well and they consistently demonstrated their sportsmanship, hard work, game play, perseverance and teamwork.  Their efforts led to the team winning the Overall Championship banner as well as the Boys Doubles and Mixed Doubles Championship banners.  Three of our teams will be participating in the Regional Badminton Tournament on Thursday, May 10th.

Every person on the team contributed to the team's success.  The results are as follows:

Boys Doubles:    Daniel and Tommy - 1st Place - going to Regionals
Ammar and Jerry - 2nd Place - going to Regionals

Girls Doubles:    Dianna and Jocelyn - 5th Place
Olivia and Anna - 6th Place

Mixed Doubles: Michelle and Chance: 1st Place - going to Regionals
Henry and Gloria - 4th Place

Good luck at the Regional Tournament next week! Go Bengals!

Arts Night
Guest Blog Entry from Hannah – Closing Remarks from Bayview Hill Arts Night 2018 – True Colours
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde.
Hi, my name is Hannah and I am currently an eighth grade student. Throughout this show, you all have probably heard about showing your “true colours” multiple times. After all, it is the theme of the entire performance. But, what really does it mean to “show your true colours?” Being who you are, who you really are, and not succumbing to the pressures of society is difficult, and requires a great amount of courage. At the end of the day, we all seek love and the sense of belonging. We change our personalities, the way we dress, even out taste in music, in hopes of being accepted by our peers, [and]our families. However, by being yourself you are already giving the greatest gift of all. Embracing who you are and everything that comes with it is the first step to welcoming others into your life. As Dr. Seuss once said, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” I hope all of you, whether it be today, a month from now, or in 10 years, will find and take pride in your true colours.

We would like to take the time to thanks everyone involved in the performance:

Ms. Jacobs, Ms. Yap, Ms. Myers, Ms. Jankelow, Mr. Carlin, Ms. Galpin, The Office and Caretaking staff, Ms. Bowman, Ms. Seehra, The CIA student leaders, Ms. Matthews, Mr. Malarcyk (TC), Ms. Cantar (TC), Ms. David, Ms. Armstrong, Daniel and Kamyar (slide show), Ms. Sagardia, Ms. McConkey, Ms. Miller, Tech Crew, Ms. Steenburgh, all the student performers, and their parents!


Monday, May 7th
8:00 a.m. – Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field. Meet at the Rock.
Tuesday, May 8th
Gr. 3 Soils Workshop
Wednesday, May 9th
8:00 a.m. – Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field. Meet at the Rock
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Welcome to Kindergarten
Thursday, May 10th
Regional Badminton Tournament – Richmond Hill High School
Ascension Day – Christianity (Western)
Friday, May 11th
8:00 a.m. – Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field. Meet at the Rock.

On-going Events…

Grade 7 and 8 Track and Field Club
Grade 6-8 Boys’ and Girls’ Badminton
On-line Chess club on Day 4
Grade 6-8 Dance Fitness Club
Student Council
Grade 4-5 Dance Club